The Paulinian Core Values (5C'S)
The Paulinian shares in the unique history and traditions of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres marked by a Christocentric-paschal spirituality, commitment to mission, service to community through its defined charism, urged on by Charity for God and to men.
Our Paulinian Core Values

Christ calls as center for SPIRITUAL PIETY.
- Specific Values: deep personal relationship with God, love of Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, reverence, awe, inner peace.
- Behavioral Indicators: practice of personal prayer, active liturgical and sacramental life, in school and in the parish, observance of Catholic practices such as regular attendance at Sunday Mass, Confessions, etc.
Commitment to mission
- Specific Values: peace, leadership, courage, tranquil daring, creativity, entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, accountability.
- Behavioral Indicators: deep sense of purpose and direction, sense of responsibility, awareness of involvement in social issues, environmental concern, volunteer work as catechist, practice of corporal works of mercy, giving good examples, proper waste disposal, energy conservation, industry, and frugality, discipline, sacrifice, intelligent voting, action to bring about reconciliations, conflict resolution, peaceful mass action, etc.

Community calls for RESPECT FOR PERSONS,
- Specific Values: respect for cultural differences and diversity, sense of belonging, national identity, mutuality, freedom of discrimination, being all to all, cooperation, solidarity, collegiality, dialogue, communication, interdependence, connectedness, locally and globally.
- Behavioral Indicators: respect for attitude towards all persons; sensitivity to others’ needs; sharing of resources; caring for the earth; civic action and community services; action to promote and protect the welfare of children, women, human rights and unity; advocacy for the eradication of social evils like prostitution, child abuse, exploitation of others; etc.
This calls for integral formation, developing one’s
talents and personality to the full, in a holistic manner
with Christian character.
- Specific Values: aspiring for perfection, academic excellence, valuing and pursuing life long learning, pursuing professionalization, healthy ambition, thirst for knowledge, critical thinking and research.
- Behavioral Indicators: love for study, readings, class participation, attendance in seminar, curiosity, proper study habits, wise use of the web and electronic media, membership in clubs and organizations, participation in programs that promote/support learning, etc.

This calls for the total, overall stance of love. It is all pervasive, found at the beginning, end, and all moments of the various campuses. Love is more caught than taught.
- Specific Values: openness, acceptance, hospitality, gentleness, kindness, loyalty, compassionate, caring, tact, fidelity, kind language, concern for the under privileged, forgiveness
- Behavioral Indicators: friendliness, warmth, joy, likeness of spirit, being all to all, generously contributing to the alumni foundations, to charitable and worthy projects, alms giving, etc.